Monday, March 2, 2009

Avery-Lou Who

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!!! To celebrate, Avery's teacher asked that they all dress up like a character in one of his books. She said it could be simple, such as ratting their hair and putting a circle on their shirt that said "Thing 1." I tried to convince Avery to carry around a flower and pretend that the Who's were talking to her, but Horton is a boy. She couldn't possibly pretend to be a boy. So we went with Cindy-Lou Who. We had fun getting this hairdo to work this morning. It involved ribbon, elastics, a paper cup, and a LOT of hairspray!! :)


Shannon said...

You did an awesome job with that hair-do! I'm impressed!

rochelle said...

What a cutie-patooty! Great job! And what an exciting way for the teacher to get his students excited for the day. We made green eggs and ham for breakfast at our house. :)

Heather said...

WOW, that is the cutest! I think you've got her Halloween hairdo, find a dress and it would be perfect! Great job, that must have taken forever.

~Jessica~ said...

that is soo cute...I remeber having a similar do in a certain roadshow we were in